Levels of physical activity and sedentarism in health workers.


  • Nelio Bazán Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Rosario; Argentina.
  • Nicolás Echandía Universidad Nacional de Villa Mercedes (UNViMe). Córdoba; Argentina.
  • Marcos Gatica Universidad Nacional de Villa Mercedes (UNViMe). Córdoba; Argentina.
  • Fernando Laiño Fundación Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Salud. Buenos Aires; Argentina.
  • Claudia Valenti Ministerio de Salud del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires; Argentina.




Health workers, Sedentary time, Nutritional status, Cholesterol


Introduction: physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and allows weight control, musculoskeletal health, providing psychological benefits. Health staff is important to advise on physical activity. It is interesting to know if they comply with the current recommendations. Objective: to study the physical activity, sedentary time, cholesterol, fasting blood glucose and nutritional status of health professionals. Methods: 322 health workers of both sexes from hospitals in Buenos Aires were studied. A physical activity questionnaire was implemented, and fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, age, sex, weight and height were studied. Results: the average age was 40.7 years, 40% did not perform enough physical activity. The assets have a better nutritional status (p = 0.041), and a high percentage of healthy cholesterol levels (73.5%). The average sedentary time was 347.83 minutes, 67% reported more than 4 hours. Discussion: That the health professional perform physical activity is important, and should be trained during their undergraduate studies. The promotion of adequate physical activity habits during their education is important to improve the advice they will provide later. You can be active, comply with physical activity recommendations, and also be sedentary, if you have several hours sitting. Active pauses are useful to counteract this phenomenon, its implementation should be normative. Conclusions: approximately 60% of the group of professionals performs physical activity at recommended levels, but sedentary behavior is high. Policies could be implemented that help reduce sedentary time.


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How to Cite

Bazán, N., Echandía, N., Gatica, M., Laiño, F., & Valenti, C. (2021). Levels of physical activity and sedentarism in health workers. Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional De Rosario., 1, 122–129. https://doi.org/10.35305/fcm.v1i.28



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