Faculty of Medical Sciences, 100 years of life. Tribute to a mentor.


  • Daniela Alejandra Zicre Cátedra de Anatomía y Fisiología Patológicas. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional Rosario. Rosario; Argentina.
  • Roxana Mónica Lattante Cátedra de Anatomía y Fisiología Patológicas. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional Rosario. Rosario; Argentina.
  • Ana Lía Nocito Cátedra de Anatomía y Fisiología Patológicas. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional Rosario. Rosario; Argentina.




History, Pathology, Teaching


The Rosario School of Medicine celebrates its first centenary in 2020 and the objective of this publication is to honor it. We review the founding history of the Centennial Hospital, the Faculty of Medicine and our Chair of Pathology. We exalt the figure of the first profesor in charge of Dr. Fernando Ruiz, alma mater of its creation and organization, who designed the Special Works, carried out by the students of that time, under his tutelage. We review the Works that are preserved, carried out between 1923 and 1930 by students, mostly students men, along with a handful of pioneering women in Rosario‘s Medicine. We carry out a survey of the most frequent pathologies of that time: infectious diseases, cardiovascular pathology and neoplasms, presented in true artistic creations that are part of the historical heritage of our Faculty. The life of Dr. Ruiz extinguished in full exercice of his functions, has left a burning flame, in his disciples and students, which still lasts in the successive generations of pathologists of our beloved Faculty.


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How to Cite

Zicre, D. A., Lattante, R. M., & Nocito, A. L. (2021). Faculty of Medical Sciences, 100 years of life. Tribute to a mentor. Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional De Rosario., 1, 174–180. https://doi.org/10.35305/fcm.v1i.38



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